We're thrilled that you're eager to join our community of civic-minded individuals and make a positive impact on Sacramento. Volunteering with Open Sacramento is a rewarding experience that allows you to use your skills for the betterment of our city. Whether you're a designer, developer, or anyone else passionate about civic tech, you'll find step-by-step instructions below to help you get started on your journey of civic tech and community empowerment.

Review Our Code of Conduct
Before diving into projects and collaborations, familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct — a set of principles that guide our community's behavior. By adhering to it, we maintain a respectful and inclusive environment. Please read and understand our guidelines for a positive experience.

Fill Out a New Member Form
To start your journey with Open Sacramento, fill out our New Member Form. It provides vital info about your skills and connects you with our community via a Slack invite for events and projects.

Join Our Slack Community
After completing the New Member Form, join our Slack community. It's where the magic happens—our hub for communication and collaboration. You'll receive an invitation via the email you provided. Accept it, introduce yourself, and get involved in projects, questions, and ideas. Join us on Slack and be part of our civic tech community!

Attend Our Weekly Meetings
Immerse yourself in Open Sacramento by joining our weekly meetings. Meet volunteers, discuss projects, and contribute. Stay updated via Slack and Meetup. Your active participation helps engage with the community, share ideas, and find your ideal project. See you at the next meeting!

Welcome to Open Sacramento
Congratulations! You've joined Open Sacramento's vibrant community. We're excited for your contributions, whether you're a coder, designer, or civic tech enthusiast. Reach out, ask questions, and dive into projects you're passionate about. Welcome to Open Sacramento!