Share your innovative ideas and collaborate with our community to turn them into reality. Pitch your project to make a positive impact on Sacramento using technology and civic engagement.

Check Eligibility
Before presenting your project idea, it's crucial to verify its alignment with our mission and principles. Please review the following conditions to ensure your project falls within our scope:
- Open Source
- Free to Distribute
- Non-Profit
- Community-Benefiting

Review our Code of Conduct
Familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct, which outlines the principles and expectations
guiding our community. We value respectful and inclusive interactions to create a positive
environment for everyone. Please read and understand our
guidelines for a positive experience.

Complete Project Form
Fill out a Project Form to formally propose your idea.
After submitting, please allow 1-2 weeks for our team to review your project proposal.
We'll carefully assess its alignment with our mission and guidelines.
During this time, someone from our team will reach out to discuss your project further.

Attend Weekly Meetings (optional)
For the fastest way to engage with our community and potentially pitch your project,
consider attending our weekly meetings posted on Meetup. These meetings provide an excellent
opportunity to connect with our team, discuss your project ideas,
and explore collaborations within our community.

Await Decision
After submitting your project form, please patiently wait for approval or notification of rejection.
Once your project is approved, a team member will provide you with further directions and guidance
to get started on your exciting journey with Open Sacramento!